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User Guide

A. Browsing according to categories

In this website, microscopic images and videos are classified in the following categories:

    1. Featues and morphology of plants

        a. Flower structure and pollens

        b. Ferns sporangium

        c. Mosses sporangium

        d. Other structural features


   2. Arthropod morphological and body features

        a. Head

        b. Compound Eyes

        c. Ocellus

        d. Antenna

        e. Mouthparts

        f. Tarsus

        g. Wings

        h. Others


  3. Morphology of aquatic micro-organism

       a. Freshwater aquatic micro-organism

       b. Saltwater aquatic micro-organism


In “Microscopic Imaging Database”, there are 3 categories (1-3). Click on the suitable thumbnail and proceed to lower level (a-h). When you reach the “species” level, click the species thumbnail and enter the species image page.

When you reach the “species” level, click the species thumbnail and enter the species image page.


B. Using search engine

There is a search engine icon on the top right hand corner in our website. Click the icon and input keywords e.g. “pollens”, “inset mouth parts”, “freshwater algae”, etc. in the search box.